Tippecanoe School Corporation

Car Rider Information

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Morning Car Rider Procedures:

  • Students SHOULD NOT be dropped off in the front parking lot in the morning.  Our buses unload in the front of the building and having vehicles in the front lot during this time creates an unsafe environment for our students and our bus drivers.
  • Vehicles should enter using the recycling/SMS athletic lot entrance.  Cars should proceed in the designated lane toward the football field and continue along the perimeter of the building. Cars should pull up to the end of the sidewalk (curve) near the football entrance--this allows for 4-5 vehicles to drop off curbside. 
  • Students should remain in your vehicle until you are pulled to the curb--this is especially important during the winter months when surfaces may be slick.
  • Do not pass other vehicles on the left after dropping off your child.
  • Students should be ready to exit the vehicle when you pull to the curb.  Last-minute discussions and packing of belongings can be frustrating for those behind you. If you must continue a discussion, please pull all the way forward in the curve so that others may exit safely around you.
  • In the morning, students should remain in their vehicle until the bell rings or until a supervisor is present.

Morning Arrival Procedures for All students:

  • Buses will dismiss students by grade level, beginning at 8:10 A.M.
    • 6th grade and breakfast students will deboard the buses at 8:10 A.M. 6th graders will enter through Door A. Breakfast students will enter through Door A1.
    • 7th/8th grade will deboard the buses at 8:15 A.M. and enter through Door A.
    • All students will report to their lockers and then proceed to 1st period.
    • Students who eat breakfast will stay in the cafeteria until they are dismissed by grade level by a staff member.
  • Car riders
    • Students may enter Door C8 beginning at 8:15 A.M.
    • Students will not be permitted to congregate in the breezeway. They will be expected to move directly toward their lockers and then to 1st period.

Afternoon Exit Procedures for All students:

  • All students will be dismissed at 3:05 P.M.
  • Car riders will exit through C8 and bus riders will exit through Door A (main entrance).